Thursday, September 24, 2009

Slim Dusty

It's just heaps heaps dusty and shit ay...

Sydney - Dust Storm (Wednesday 23rd Sept, 09)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm frothing pretty hard on little shoreys, they are cool...

Thursday, September 17, 2009


The first week of Spring was a cracker. Warm weather and good waves. I saw plenty of Dad's on the Northern Beaches getting amongst the clean 2-3 foot waves on Fathers' Day. They looked pretty stoked to be surfing instead of mowing the lawns, washing the cars and cleaning out the gutters. Hope all you Dad's out there had a great day with the family.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

a chat with Nugget from WAVES mag

little clip I threw together for the crew at and WAVES Magazine.

a chat with Nugget from WAVES mag from Alex Marks on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bloody Bagus

Epic waves, scorching sun, warm water, friendly locals, crazy roads, corrupt police, ice cold bintang and thieving monkeys. This is Bali.
Blue Snapper has been away on holidays, actually, still is away on holidays. My girlfriend and I escaped the cold of Sydney's winter and took off to the warm weather of Bali, with a quick stop in at Perth on the way. While there our mates took us over to Rottnest Island which was absolutely amazing. I haven't seen water like they have at 'Rotto' anywhere in the world, the colours are unbelievable. Apart from nearly going overboard on the boat back over to the mainland, the day out on the island was something everyone needs to do. They have waves too, heaps of them. Sharks too, heaps of them.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

a little mixer

I also shoot video every now and then. Here is a little edit I put together of some random clips I shot over the past few years.

a little mixer from Alex Marks on Vimeo.

Monday, July 20, 2009


a scene which caught my eye on a walk through the city.
Good old smoko


Local 'Award winning' film-maker, Luke 'Hollywood' Thomas and the Whaley kids are on a mission: to document and perhaps expose the underground world of ping pong, worldwide.
The filming of this documentary has been underway in all eleven corners of the globe for the past 12 months. This is just one of the many 'underground' tournaments which occur regularly in garages everywhere.
In a winner takes all arrangement, enjoy these images from a garage near you.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Meet: Hayden 'Shapesy' Cox

Meet Hayden 'Shapesy' Cox. Hayden is a red wine swilling, exotic parrot collecting, surfboard shaper from Mona Vale. Surfing was his mum's idea, pushing him into it with a leopard print Hot Buttered board when he was just four. He dreams of long barrels in Sumbawa but often has to settle for knocking the froth off a few at the Boonty. Hayden worked hard - as a grom, putting in the long hours in the gravel pit and claims to still be "the best Tonka-truck driver on the beaches". An experienced traveller - on the basketball court, Hayden was drafted off the team to spend more time at what he is good at; shaping shred sleds and bushwalking.

Portrait: Greg Chambers

Meet newly instated pirate, Greg Chambers. Greg is a bodyboarding exhibitionist who spends most of his time regulating the kids in the Mona rip bowl. When the surf goes flat, you can find this bloke kicking soccer balls between coffee cup goals at Cafe 5. Where he is also frequently seen with a guitar slung over his shoulder, belting out Everclear's 'Santa Monica' to the morning caffeine junkies. His advice is to wear sun cream always. As much as he loves his new eye patch, he wears it to cover a scar he just got as a result of a skin cancer, ouch! The only thing that really gets on Greg's nerves is punctuation. He doesn't mind reading it, just hates using it.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bong Skate

My brother and his crew drove up from Melbs for an invitational skate comp put on by Billabong and Sony.
Here are a few of the shots, good times and incredible skating.